It is common to suffer from whiplash injuries after you have been in an auto accident. At Hull Chiropractic in Indianapolis, IN, we provide treatment to ease the neck pain, headaches, and back pain that often come as a result of whiplash from an accident. Chiropractic treatment can give you the support you need to heal your soft tissues, ease your pain, and restore function to your cervical spine.
request an appointmentSymptoms of Whiplash
If your head whips front to back in an accident, whiplash is often the result. The rapid and unexpected motion will pull muscles and ligaments in your neck and upper spine. There are times when a whiplash injury doesn’t hurt right away. The pain may get steadily worse over the first few days after the accident. Symptoms of whiplash include neck pain, headaches, shoulder pain, upper back pain, and poor neck mobility. When you are in an accident and dealing with whiplash, a visit to our chiropractor can make a big difference.
Chiropractic Treatment for Whiplash
In the beginning of your whiplash treatment, you will go through an evaluation with our chiropractor to assess your injuries. You may need to have imaging done to rule out herniated disks or broken bones. Once the assessment is complete, you can begin a treatment program to address your pain, stiffness and poor range of motion. Treatment will be progressive, and it’s important to remember that each treatment builds upon the previous one. You may receive spinal adjustments, ultrasound, hot or cold therapy as part of your treatment plan.
Managing Your Chiropractic Care
Neck pain, headaches, and poor range of motion are improved with consistent chiropractic treatment. You will begin seeing the chiropractor several times a week to get your healing started. As your symptoms improve, you will visit the chiropractor less often. Most patients are seen several times a week for a month to six weeks, then begin tapering down visits as symptoms get better. Once you are healed, you can continue to see a chiropractor on a monthly basis for maintenance visits.
Find Whiplash Treatment Today
When you are suffering from whiplash, it’s time to find treatment that will support your healing. Contact Hull Chiropractic in Indianapolis, IN and set up your first appointment today. We will evaluate your injuries and develop a treatment plan that is right for you. If pain, stiffness, and headaches are making daily life difficult, it’s time to get the help you deserve.