Have you been in a recent automotive accident? You’ll want to see your car accident chiropractor in Indianapolis as soon as you can for evaluation.
Any chiropractor in Indianapolis IN will tell you that the first thing to do after an accident is to try to calm yourself down. Then, assess yourself for signs of injury, including bleeding and pain, such as from whiplash.
After working with the police and any other first responders, you may need to visit your general doctor, an emergency room or clinic to rule out internal injuries and other problems that require immediate car accident injury treatment.
It’s Important to Seek Auto Accident Injury Treatment in Indianapolis After Being Involved in a Crash
If you have been in a crash, remember that auto accident injury treatment in Indianapolis is available at our practice. Even if you feel no pain immediately after the crash, your Indianapolis chiropractor reminds you that pain may not show up for hours or days after the crash.
Do You Need Whiplash Treatment in Indianapolis?
One of the most common types of injuries that people sustain during car crashes is whiplash. This is a violent action where your head jerks back and forth with a great deal of energy. It’s crucial to seek whiplash treatment in Indianapolis sooner rather than later. This is so your Indianapolis chiropractor can assess your condition and begin a treatment protocol immediately.
You may not be certain if you have a case of whiplash, but it is an important question to address when considering car accident injury treatment.
Typical symptoms that people experience during whiplash include:
- Stiffness in the neck
- Headaches
- Pain in the lower back region
- Arm pain
- Dizziness
- Blurred vision
A reminder from your chiropractor in Indianapolis IN: You may not experience discomfort for several hours or even several days following a car crash.
But by the time you do feel the painful sensations (without yet having seen a chiropractor in Indianapolis), the damage may have actually grown worse. You should make every effort to come in to our Indianapolis chiropractic clinic following the accident as soon as possible.
Make an Appointment at Our Indianapolis Chiropractic Clinic Today
Protect your health following a car crash by arranging for auto accident injury treatment in Indianapolis without delay. The sooner you come in and are seen by the chiropractor, the sooner you can get diagnosed and then receive an individualized treatment plan. To make an appointment after the accident, please reach out to Hull Chiropractic today.