At Hull Chiropractic, your chiropractor in Indianapolis, IN, we understand how numbness and tingling sensations can cause discomfort and disrupt your daily life. These symptoms may indicate underlying health conditions, including a herniated disk or bulging disk, that can benefit from chiropractic care.

The Connection between Numbness, Tingling, and Spinal Health

Numbness and tingling usually result from compressed or damaged nerves. One cause of this nerve compression is spinal problems like a herniated disk or a bulging disk.

These conditions occur when the cushioning disks between your spinal vertebrae bulge out (bulging disk) or rupture (herniated disk), applying pressure on nearby nerves. The consequent numbness and tingling can alert you to the problem.

Chiropractic Care

As a seasoned chiropractor, Dr. Hull at Hull Chiropractic can help diagnose and treat the root cause of your numbness and tingling sensations. With a limited physical examination of the affected area, we can identify if a herniated disk or bulging disk is contributing to your symptoms.

Our chiropractic adjustments can then help alleviate nerve compression, potentially resulting in relief from numbness and tingling sensations. Our holistic approach means we aim to do not just mask the symptoms but deal with the underlying issue and treat that instead.

Get Chiropractic Care form Our Chiropractor for Numbness and Tingling

If you’re experiencing persistent numbness or tingling, it’s time to act. We at Hull Chiropractic are committed to providing chiropractic care to address these symptoms. We’ll work closely with you to help understand your concerns, identify the problem, and formulate a personalized treatment plan that suits your needs.

Don’t let numbness and tingling compromise your quality of life. Schedule an appointment with us at Hull Chiropractic today at (317) 243-2392. Together, we can decode what your body is trying to tell you and navigate your journey toward better health.

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