When you get into an auto accident, you expect that you may end up with whiplash. What you may not expect is auto accident injury that can be caused by seat belts. Our chiropractor at Hull Chiropractic in Indianapolis, IN, is here to help with these injuries.
Shoulder pain or Clavicle pain
The shoulder is the most complex joint in the body. It also gets used a lot every day and when it is injured it can make it difficult to go about your normal activities and might also make it difficult to sleep.
Back pain
The impact of the crash can cause the vertebrae in the back to go out of alignment. This can result in severe pain in both the upper and lower back. In some cases, the discs may have become herniated or bulging.
Whiplash affects the neck and the back. It hurts both the soft tissues and the joints. It can lead to serious pain, stiffness, and loss of mobility.
Migraine from Neck Injury
Experiencing migraines after an auto accident is not uncommon. It can result from whiplash and the pressure that is applied by the seatbelt.
Treatment for Seatbelt injuries
Here are some treatments that our chiropractor can provide for auto accident injuries.
Chiropractic adjustment: This can help with spine, neck, and shoulder misalignment.
Laser therapy: This can help promote healing and stimulating endorphins for natural pain relief.
Massage: This can help encourage relaxation and help to work out the knots that may be causing pain.
Electrical stimulation: This can help the muscles to relax and stimulate endorphin production.
Get Chiropractic Care from Our Chiropractor in Indianapolis, In for an Auto Accident Injury
When you are in pain after an auto accident, we at Hull Chiropractic can provide treatments and therapies to get you back to your normal life. Don’t waste time. Give our office a call at (317) 243-2392 to get chiropractic care from our chiropractor in Indianapolis, IN, for an auto accident injury.